Nu:Tekt NTS-1 digital SDK  v1.1-0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 biquad.hppGeneric biquad structure and convenience methods
 delayline.hppBasic Delay Lines
 simplelfo.hppSimple LFO
 buffer_ops.hOperations over data buffers
 cortexm4.hARM Cortex-M4 specific header
 fixed_math.hFixed Point Math Utilities
 float_math.hFloating Point Math Utilities
 int_math.hInteger Math Utilities
 fx_api.hEffects runtime API
 osc_api.hOscillator runtime API
 userdelfx.hC interface header for user delay fx
 usermodfx.hC interface header for user modulation fx
 userosc.hC interface header for user oscillators
 userprg.hCommon C interface header for custom user programs
 userrevfx.hC interface header for user reverb fx