#define | M_E 2.718281828459045f |
#define | M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896f |
#define | M_LOG10E 0.4342944819032518f |
#define | M_LN2 0.6931471805599453094f |
#define | M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402f |
#define | M_PI 3.141592653589793f |
#define | M_TWOPI 6.283185307179586f |
#define | M_PI_2 1.5707963267948966f |
#define | M_PI_4 0.7853981633974483f |
#define | M_1_PI 0.3183098861837907f |
#define | M_2_PI 0.6366197723675814f |
#define | M_4_PI 1.2732395447351627f |
#define | M_1_TWOPI 0.15915494309189534f |
#define | M_2_SQRTPI 1.1283791670955126f |
#define | M_4_PI2 0.40528473456935109f |
#define | M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880f |
#define | M_1_SQRT2 0.7071067811865475f |
static float | fsel (const float a, const float b, const float c) |
| FSEL construct.
static uint8_t | fselb (const float a) |
| FSEL boolean construct.
static uint8_t | float_is_neg (const f32_t f) |
| Sign bit check.
static int32_t | float_mantissa (f32_t f) |
| Obtain mantissa.
static int32_t | float_exponent (f32_t f) |
| Obtain exponent.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_add (const f32pair_t p0, const f32pair_t p1) |
| Pair-wise addition.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_sub (const f32pair_t p0, const f32pair_t p1) |
| Pair-wise subtraction.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_addscal (const f32pair_t p, const float scl) |
| Pair-wise scalar addition.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_mul (const f32pair_t p0, const f32pair_t p1) |
| Pair-wise product.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_mulscal (const f32pair_t p, const float scl) |
| Pair-wise scalar product.
static f32pair_t | f32pair_linint (const float fr, const f32pair_t p0, const f32pair_t p1) |
| Pair-wise linear interpolation.
static float | si_copysignf (const float x, const float y) |
| Return x with sign of y applied.
static float | si_fabsf (float x) |
| Absolute value.
static float | si_floorf (float x) |
| Floor function.
static float | si_ceilf (float x) |
| Ceiling function.
static float | si_roundf (float x) |
| Round to nearest integer.
static float | clampfsel (const float min, float x, const float max) |
static float | clampminfsel (const float min, const float x) |
static float | clampmaxfsel (const float x, const float max) |
static float | clipmaxf (const float x, const float m) |
| Clip upper bound of x to m (inclusive)
static float | clipminf (const float m, const float x) |
| Clip lower bound of x to m (inclusive)
static float | clipminmaxf (const float min, const float x, const float max) |
| Clip x to min and max (inclusive)
static float | clip0f (const float x) |
| Clip lower bound of x to 0.f (inclusive)
static float | clip1f (const float x) |
| Clip upper bound of x to 1.f (inclusive)
static float | clip01f (const float x) |
| Clip x to [0.f, 1.f] (inclusive)
static float | clipm1f (const float x) |
| Clip lower bound of x to -1.f (inclusive)
static float | clip1m1f (const float x) |
| Clip x to [-1.f, 1.f] (inclusive)
- Note
- Use with care. Depending on optimizations and targets these can provide little benefit over libc versions.
static float | fastsinf (float x) |
| "Fast" sine approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI, M_PI] More...
static float | fastersinf (float x) |
| "Faster" sine approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI, M_PI] More...
static float | fastsinfullf (float x) |
| "Fast" sine approximation, valid on full x domain More...
static float | fastersinfullf (float x) |
| "Faster" sine approximation, valid on full x domain More...
static float | fastcosf (float x) |
| "Fast" cosine approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI, M_PI] More...
static float | fastercosf (float x) |
| "Faster" cosine approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI, M_PI] More...
static float | fastcosfullf (float x) |
| "Fast" cosine approximation, valid on full x domain More...
static float | fastercosfullf (float x) |
| "Faster" cosine approximation, valid on full x domain More...
static float | fasttanf (float x) |
| "Fast" tangent approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI_2, M_PI_2] More...
static float | fastertanf (float x) |
| "Faster" tangent approximation, valid for x in [-M_PI_2, M_PI_2] More...
static float | fasttanfullf (float x) |
| "Fast" tangent approximation, valid on full x domain, except where tangent diverges. More...
static float | fastertanfullf (float x) |
| "Faster" tangent approximation, valid on full x domain, except where tangent diverges. More...
static float | fastlog2f (float x) |
| "Fast" log base 2 approximation, valid for positive x as precision allows. More...
static float | fasterlog2f (float x) |
| "Faster" log base 2 approximation, valid for positive x as precision allows. More...
static float | fastlogf (float x) |
| "Fast" natural logarithm approximation, valid for positive x as precision allows. More...
static float | fasterlogf (float x) |
| "Fast" natural logarithm approximation, valid for positive x as precision allows. More...
static float | fastpow2f (float p) |
| "Fast" power of 2 approximation, valid for x in [ -126, ... More...
static float | fasterpow2f (float p) |
| "Faster" power of 2 approximation, valid for x in [ -126, ... More...
static float | fastpowf (float x, float p) |
| "Fast" x to the power of p approximation More...
static float | fasterpowf (float x, float p) |
| "Faster" x to the power of p approximation More...
static float | fastexpf (float p) |
| "Fast" exponential approximation, valid for x in [ ~ -87, ... More...
static float | fasterexpf (float p) |
| "Faster" exponential approximation, valid for x in [ ~ -87, ... More...
static float | fasteratan2f (float y, float x) |
| atan2 approximation More...
static float | fastertanhf (float x) |
| Hyperbolic tangent approximation. More...