Note: Additions, corrections, broken links? Let us know at or submit a pull request modifying the table below

Name Developer Description Platforms  
Alpha One boochow instruments Alpha-Juno DCO emulation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Hoovic boochow instruments Hoover sound pro, xd, nts-1, nts-1 mkii paid
Lily boochow instruments oscillator unit based on Mutable Instruments Braids nts-1 mkii free
Lily boochow instruments oscillator unit based on Mutable Instruments Braids pro, xd, nts-1 free
picture boochow instruments Picture display for oscilloscopes (requires Lissa delay effect) pro, xd, nts-1 free
Pitchy boochow instruments pitch shifter oscillator nts-1 mkii free
Pulsaw boochow instruments Juno DCO emulation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Vocoder boochow instruments channel vocoder with 5-voice paraphonic osc nts-1_mkii free
Waves2 boochow instruments Waves2 is the oscillator which can control its harmonics pro, xd, nts-1, nts-1 mkii free
Ruismaker Bram Bos Analog drum oscillator nts-1 free
Cain++ Cain Synthesizers Karplus-Strong oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Cain CZ Cain Synthesizers Phase distortion oscillator inspired by the Casio Cosmo synthesizer pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Cain CZ2 Cain Synthesizers Vastly advanced version of Cain CZ pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Human Cain Synthesizers A vowel oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
KRYSTAL Cain Synthesizers Shatter model oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
WTF Cain Synthesizers A strange name for an oscillator, but as soon as you try it out that will most probably be what’s on your mind pro, xd, nts-1 donation
WTF II Cain Synthesizers Scary, alien, babling oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
mist centrevillage Unstable Harmonic Oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 free
fnord damnatron 3 operator FM pro, xd, nts-1 free
morph damnatron Morphing between sawtooth, square, sine pro, xd, nts-1 free
FMonsta Dirtbox Synth   pro, xd paid
Morph Dirtbox Synth Wavetable oscillator pack pro, xd, nts-1 paid
ORGANism Dirtbox Synth Drawbar organ oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Origami Dirtbox Synth Wavefolding oscillator pro, xd free*
Physiq Dirtbox Synth Digital waveguide oscillator pro, xd paid
polyChord Dirtbox Synth Paraphonic oscillator and chord sampler nts-1 paid
PWG Dirtbox Synth Parametric waveform generator pro, xd paid
SUPAwave Dirtbox Synth   pro, xd paid
Blinds Edouard Digital PWM for any waveform pro, xd, nts-1 paid
JP-Booo Edouard Digital Super saw oscillator inspired by the JP-8000 pro, xd, nts-1 paid
MOsc Guillaume Elias Multi oscillator nts-1 free
Clang Ghost Time Metallic oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Lapse Ghost Time Stacked LFO drone generator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Sneq Ghost Time Polyrhythmic pattern generator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Step Ghost Time An experimental stepping oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Warped Ghost Time A lo-fi oscillator inspired by Boards of Canada pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Ubersaw Graham Keane JP-8000 supersaw emulation nts-1 free
1973 Hammond Eggs Music Single osc., dual filter, emulation of miniKorg 700 pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Chips2.0 Hammond Eggs Music Chiptune oscillator with PWM, arpeg., and noise drums pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Divide Hammond Eggs Music 12 note top octave style divider oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Duet Hammond Eggs Music Dual osc. dual lfo. saw+saw or saw+pwm pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Extra Hammond Eggs Music Paraphonic voice expander pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Percy Hammond Eggs Music Sample based percussive organ pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Shapes Hammond Eggs Music Smoothly transition between common wave shapes pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Souper Hammond Eggs Music 5+5 oscillator supersaw pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Souper2 Hammond Eggs Music 5+5 oscillator supersaw pro, xd, nts-1 donation
chords-osc Hypercubed Music A 12-voice chord oscillator nts-1 free
osc-808 Hypercubed Music A simple 808-style bass oscilator nts-1 free
NOISE JabunAudio White noise source with soft-clipper for NTS-1 nts-1 donation
Betty Jacob Ulmert Random rhythm generator, 3-voice poly, 12 samples nts-1 free
Bobby Jacob Ulmert Glitchy 8/12-bit sample based drum machine nts-1 free
Magic forest Jacob Ulmert Lo-fi forest ambience generator nts-1 free
Plaits John Walton Variation of Mutable Instruments Plaits port pro, xd, nts-1 free
Organ len 5 draw bars, similar to Vox Super Continental pro free
Pluck len Karplus Strong pro free
Anthologue Oleg Burdaev 6 VCO oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 free
Morpheus Oleg Burdaev Example implementation of custom wavetable inspired by WaveEdit pro, xd, nts-1 free
Supersaw Oleg Burdaev Saw with unison (pseudo-polyphony on NTS-1) pro, xd, nts-1 free
FastSaw Oleg Burdaev Optimized Saw with unison (pseudo-polyphony on NTS-1) pro, xd, nts-1 free
FMxx Oleg Burdaev 6/4-operator FM oscillator series with up to 4 Yamaha DX7/DX21/DX11-series voice banks suport pro, xd, nts-1 free
Gator 2 Oleg Burdaev Kaossilator-style gate arpeggiator nts-1 mkii, drum, nts-3 free
MO2 add Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits additive mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 fm Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits FM mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 grn Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits granular mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 modal Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Elements modal strike mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 string Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits string mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 va Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits VA mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 wsh Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits waveshaping mode pro, xd, nts-1 free
MO2 wta-wtf Peter Allwin Port of Mutable Instruments Plaits wavetable modes pro, xd, nts-1 free
2DTB Roll-Log Sounds 2D wavetable oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
FBFM Roll-Log Sounds Feedback FM oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
FRFM Roll-Log Sounds Band limited fractional ratio FM pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Fume Roll-Log Sounds 2 operator wavetable FM pro, xd paid
PolySquares Roll-Log Sounds Additive squarewave DCO pro, xd, nts-1 free
PTSW Roll-Log Sounds Portamento / Unison sawtooth oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Scan Roll-Log Sounds Wavetable scanning pro, xd, nts-1 free
Sheprd Roll-log Sounds Shepard tone oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
SW12 Roll-Log Sounds 12-voice paraphonic oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 donation
Syng Roll-Log Sounds Vocal formant oscillator pro, xd paid
Bent Sinevibes Bent-wave modulation synthesis pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Dense Sinevibes Vintage virtual analog oscillator pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Groove Sinevibes Multitimbral bass and drum machine pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Node Sinevibes Four-operator FM synthesis engine pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Odds Sinevibes Stochastic control synthesis pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Tube Sinevibes Resonator modeling synthesis pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Turbo Sinevibes Variable waveshaping synthesis pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Staub Staub Audio Rave hoover sound pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Beats Tim Shoebridge 28 beat-making sounds inc. kick, snares, toms and more pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Chord Tim Shoebridge Four waveforms and four sets of four chord changes pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Digital Waveform Tim Shoebridge Attempt to recreate the sounds and capabilities of the legendary DW-8000 hybrid poly synth pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Drone Tim Shoebridge   pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Fold Tim Shoebridge Analogue wave-folding emulation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Octave Tim Shoebridge   pro, xd, nts-1 paid
One Tim Shoebridge Moog One style waveform morphing pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Pluck Tim Shoebridge Karplus Strong pro, xd, nts-1 paid
String Tim Shoebridge 7 oscillator 1980’s analogue string emulation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Three Tim Shoebridge Three waves, three EGs pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Two Tim Shoebridge Waveform mixing and phase modulation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
Vector Synthesis Tim Shoebridge Attempt to recreate the basic capabilities of legendary vector synthesisers such as the Sequential Prophet VS and Korg Wavestation pro, xd, nts-1 paid
fusion tsoniq Virtual analog synth voice pro, xd free, paid
unity tsoniq 15 waveform generators, overdrive, and resonant HPF pro, xd, nts-1 free
viper tsoniq waveforms and wavetables from classic hybrid synthesisers pro, xd, nts-1 paid
J6 Tweeeeeak Chord player and sequencer inspired by the J-6 synthesizer nts-1 free
Proba-B Tweeeeeak Probability sequencer based oscillator nts-1 free
ROAT Tweeeeeak 8-bit experimental oscillator inspired by the “Rumble of Ancient Times” synthesizer nts-1 free
vbass Tweeeeeak Volca Bass style triple oscillator nts-1 free
VOSIM Tyrannosaurus Werner Kaegi voice simulation pro, xd, nts-1 donation